
I’m currently in Horseheads, NY for a Warhammer Fantasy tournament that I’m not even participating in. I played my first ever game as Skaven today, as part of a friendly match between Nerdhammer.net and Long Island Wargaming (in which we went 0-3; at least I wasn’t the only one who lost!) and it was a lot of fun. I lost, as expected, and didn’t really know what was going on half of the time, but I really did enjoy it. I definitely want to get back into the game when I get back home (I was about to say back to New York, but I guess I’m still technically in the same state, even though we had to go through New Jersey and Pennsylvania to get here). I have two armies, Wood Elves and Brettonia, which are currently the worst armies out there in the current metagame. Rumour is that Wood Elves are either getting a new book released soon, or getting cancelled, so either way I guess that’s something.

I will probably start trying to learn the game once back on Long Island. Last time that I was into it, like five or six years ago, I only played it, but I want to try to get more into the painting and modelling side of the hobby. I’m not sure when I will have time to fit it in, but maybe by the summer I’ll have a fully painted army and get to come to a tournament and lose with an army of my own. I also feel like the painting side of it is something that Joyce could enjoy, too, so we’ll see.

Speaking of Joyce and Warhammer, one of the first times we hung out, before we were even actually dating (this would be a little over six years ago, now), I, for some inconceivable reason, thought that it would be fun to bring Joyce to a comic book shop to hang out with me for a couple games I had scheduled for a league that I was participating in at the time. Unfortunately there were no time limits on the game and I managed to play against the slowest Tomb Kings army ever. It took probably five to five and a half hours for one game. After which I had another one to play. Luckily the second one went faster, however the day ended up being about eight hours at a comic book shop. But I did win both (I’m pretty sure that they’re the only two games I won the whole league). so that must have been what impressed her, because instead of saying, “What the hell is wrong with you? I never want to see you again!” she was willing to keep hanging out with me and eventually marry me. So that’s pretty cool.

After I left for the Air Force, though, I didn’t bring my armies with me, and I didn’t have anyone to play with anymore. One of the guys I worked with played, but I only found out a month before he was heading to a different base and I didn’t get the chance to play with him before he left. Around the same time, Nick and the guys back on Long Island were starting a Youtube channel for Warhammer (which Joyce does all the awesome artwork for), and I was all alone wish I could play, not knowing the rules for the new edition, and finding the videos way too boring to watch (I mean in StarCraft at least the units move on their own sometimes!). Since I’ve been back home I’ve played one match, which was going to be in preparation for this tournament, but there didn’t end up being a spot open for me, and I wasn’t sure that I would be able to get myself up to speed. I just haven’t had the time to read the rule books and figure everything about this edition out.

So yeah, Warhammer is pretty cool, which I’m sure you figured out from this super exciting post. Sorry I haven’t updated recently, I’ve been super busy with school, and I started a new job, and family was visiting earlier this week. But I really will try to start being more consistent. There are at least two of you who have been checking the site fairly often to see if anything has been updated, so I’ll try not to let you down again!

And on a personal, self-congratulatory note, I’ve been working out consistently for about two weeks now, doing this workout from Nerdfitness.com. That streak is probably going to end tomorrow, because I forgot to bring shorts. But one missed day isn’t going to kill me. I’m going to keep at it and be super fit (okay, maybe just somewhat fit) by Mt. Hood climbing time!

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