Sunday Space-Out: I was here all along.

My first post in four years starts off with a one year old picture. (Photo and idea credit to Joyceline Furniss)

I haven’t written anything in a while. While I was in school I had the occasional paper to write, but those were usually technical reports that involved just writing down things that happened and why they did. That was easy.

But keeping up with doing something that you enjoyed doing inconsistently for years? That’s hard. I’ve enjoyed writing about myself on the internet ever since I discovered that I could write about myself on the internet. But as with everything that I like the idea of me doing, I’ve never been able to keep up with it long term.

Will this be another one of those times that I write a post about writing more, only to drop off the face of the earth again? Maybe. But we’ll see.

Where have I been the last four years that I wasn’t writing? I graduated college twice, which was my main excuse for not doing things. I started a new job, which often gives me a commute of 40 minutes to 1 hour and 40 minutes, which has been my new favorite excuse for not doing things.

I’ve traveled more, and even have a draft of a post from a couple years ago where I started writing about one of the places we traveled. I clearly never finished that.

So here’s to whatever comes next. My secret this time is to just put it out there and not tell anyone that I posted this. Expect nothing from me, because I don’t.